Leaves on Nose and Ice Cream


236 // June 20,2008

Leaves on Nose and Ice Cream

Happy First Day of Summer (officially).

Took Mr. Cub for a walk after work today, an activity that is a twice-a-day event. Silly puppy gets tired on walks, but when he gets home it’s all play, play, play.

Leaves on Nose and Ice Cream

Another daily event is the silly Ice Cream Truck that moves waay to fast down the street to stop in time for kids.

Seriously. I’ve seen it stop once, but I do always enjoy the sweet music-box-like song that plays — brings memories of being a kid, you know? I love it.

2 Responses to “Leaves on Nose and Ice Cream”

  1. 1 gram

    Cubbie is sure cute with the leaf. I know you like to see the “icey man”. It does churn up memories.

  1. 1 Blue and Yellow « Cocktail Hour // a daily photo journal

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