Posts Tagged ‘leaf’

Golden Snow


613 // November 16, 2009 Snow fell this past weekend in Denver – some of the aftermath.

Leafy Evolution


574 // September 27, 2009 I went to leave the house today through the side door, when I looked at the screen and thought, “how strange, a leaf stuck to the screen – and it’s not moving even when I swing the door open” – until I looked closer. What a strange creature. I read […]

499 // April 24, 2009 Haha – I know – “But where are the rainbows and unicorns?” Just love seeing flowers and having warm weather… makes for a great mood, don’t you think?



443 // February 15, 2009 Is it spring yet? It might not be snowing down here too much, but there isn’t any greenery around, either. All that’s left is some of the stronger plants that survived the couple frosts we had….

372 // November 17, 2008 Let’s talk about the weather. Is it winter or fall? 40s or mid-70s? In the middle of November, Denver might be seeing some global warming effects (go ahead- boooo!). But with only one dusting of snow in the front range — being an entire month later than last year and […]

339 // October 07, 2008 Took Cubbie on a walk and the way the light hit this leaf…well, I just couldn’t leave it undocumented. You can understand, right? The best time to take photographs in the fall is going to be in the very late afternoon (3pm to 6pm) or early in the morn (8am […]

236 // June 20,2008 Happy First Day of Summer (officially). Took Mr. Cub for a walk after work today, an activity that is a twice-a-day event. Silly puppy gets tired on walks, but when he gets home it’s all play, play, play. Another daily event is the silly Ice Cream Truck that moves waay to […]

Tiny Green


187 // April 28, 2008 I’d say spring is well underway… I love the green leafy patterns and tiny circles in this photo.